Wildlife on JBER

Fish and Wildlife Management on JBER

Fish and wildlife management on JBER predates statehood, beginning in the mid-1950s when the first steps were taken toward fish management. In 1953, stocking of rainbow trout occurred in a few lakes on JBER Richardson and has continued annually thereafter. Two years later, a land management plan was drafted that included provisions for fish and wildlife management.

In the 1950s and 1960s, post commanders sent over 60 soldiers to a special fish and wildlife management course offered by the University of Alaska. Responsibility for overseeing conservation activities was assigned to an enlisted military conservationist.

With the cooperation of state and federal agencies the fish and wildlife management program on the installation has continued to expand its knowledge of the resident wildlife populations and therefore has become better capable of managing those populations.

Safety Around Wildlife

JBER is home to many species of wildlife, including potentially dangerous species such as moose, brown bear, and black bear. Below is information on staying safe while recreating. More information can be found on ADFGs website.

Moose Safety
  • Do not approach moose
    • Moose, especially cows with calves can be aggresive when approached
  • Pay attention to body language 
    • A moose looking at you with its ears up is aware of you, possible curious, but not feeling threatened
    • A moose with its ears back, the hair on its neck up, or licking its lips is feeling stressed or threatened - This moose may charge you!
  • If a moose charges you:
    • Hide behind something, such as a tree
    • Run if you have a head start
  • If you are knocked down by a moose:
    • Curl into a ball, protect your head, and keep still until the moose retreats
  • Keep dogs under control. Moose may feel threatened by dogs, especially if they are running loose or approaching the moose
  • Do not feed moose - It is dangerous and illegal
  • Find more information about moose safety here
Bear Safety
  • Both black and brown (grizzly) bears have the potential to be dangerous. Encounters with both species should be treated the same 
  • Carry bear spray, keep it handy, and know how to use. It is an effective deterrant
  • Avoid surprising a bear
    • make noise, travel in groups, be alert in noisy (i.e. near running water or when windy) or low visibility (i.e. thick brush) areas
  • If you see a bear, stay calm
    • If the bear does not notice you, quietly leave the area from the same direction you arrived, keeping your eyes on the bear
    • If the bear does notice you, face the bear, wave your arms, and talk calmly to it
  • If a bear approaches, stand your ground
    • Never run from a bear!
  • If a bear is surprised at close distance, it may act defensively, especially if it has cubs or food
    • Continue standing your ground
    • If this bear strikes or bites you, lie on your belly, protect your face and neck, and remain still
  • If a bear approaches you purposefully, it may be curious, seeking food, or very rarely, predatory 
    • Stand your ground and act aggressively
    • Fight back if this bear strikes or bites you
  • Find more information about bear safety here

Nuisance Wildlife

To report wildlife emergencies or wildlife at/or near schools, housing, facilities, or playgrounds, call the JBER SFS dispatch:


For questions, comments or concerns contact the Conservation Law Enforcement Officers at:


